MRC Residents Find Joy in Giving Back to Others

December 20, 2023

When Annise Lendeburg first moved to Mirador in Corpus Christi, she was already a cancer survivor. “My husband and I moved here in 2012, but my first cancer surgery was in 1999,” she recalled. “I’ve been treated for breast cancer off and on for 23 years.” It should come as no surprise, then, that Lendeburg is a passionate advocate for early screening, treatment, research, and services for cancer survivors. That’s why, not long after moving the Mirador, she began raising funds through an annual walk at the senior living community.” “The city has its walk, but we wanted to do something on our own,” she explained. “We started by raising money for the American Cancer Society, but I wanted to do something local.” That’s when she discovered Breastfriends. “When I discovered that they do fitted prosthesis at no charge and they’re located right here in Corpus Christi, it was a no brainer,” said Lendeburg. While the group was able to raise $56 their first year, they now raise thousands. This year’s event raised an impressive $6,832 towards the cause prompting Lendburg to share, “The residents at Mirador, whether they’re cancer survivors or not, are so generous!”

The residents at Stevenson Oaks have stayed busy giving back to various programs within the Fort Worth area. Every third Monday a group gathers to make PB&J sandwiches for the Presbyterian Night Shelter. Additionally, there is a group called the SVO Blanketeers who recently made aprons to place on walkers for Meals on Wheels participants.

Oakview residents in La Porte hosted a school supply drive in August to benefit the students at La Porte Elementary School. Representatives from the community proudly dropped off the supplies with the school.

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